Safety First

BOSS Passive Fire’s commitment to the proper management of Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare is at the forefront of our operational planning. Our aim is to minimise the risk of injury and disease to our workers, visitors and people we impact in our operations, by adopting a planned and systematic approach to the management of Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare and providing the resources for its successful implementation.

At the heart of our safety program is our drive to achieve zero incidents and injuries.


The objectives of this policy are to ensure:

  • All hazards and risks to health and safety are identified, assessed and, where they cannot be eliminated, are effectively controlled
  • Measures to control hazards and risks to health and safety are regularly monitored and evaluated
  • Employees are consulted and encouraged to contribute to the decision-making process on occupational health and safety matters effecting their health and safety at work
  • All employees and contractors receive appropriate on-going information, instruction, training and supervision they need to safely carry out their responsibilities


BOSS Passive Fire will achieve its occupational health & safety objectives by developing and implementing sound procedures which document standards and guide employees in carrying out their responsibilities in:

  • Identifying hazards and risks to health and safety associated with tasks and activities carried out
  • Assessing the degree and level of risks arising from hazardous tasks or activities
  • Selecting, implementing and maintaining measures to control risks to health and safety
  • Consulting with employees on matters which may affect their health and safety
  • Identifying and developing appropriate information and training to equip managers, supervisors and employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet their responsibilities
  • Developing, implementing and monitoring plans to put BOSS Fire & Safety health and safety policies and procedures into effect
  • Supporting a safe and early return to work of any injured employee
  • Managing safety excellence through strong leadership and striving for continuous improvement
  • Promote a culture of zero tolerance toward workplace incidents and injuries

This signed statement of Policy confirms our personal commitment to making our workplace safe and healthy for all of our people.

Mark Prior




Environmental Policy

BOSS Passive Fire is a supplier and distributor of fire protection and safety products for the building and property markets in Australia, New Zealand and surrounding regions.Read More

Corporate Governance

BOSS Passive Fire’s Board of Directors is responsible for directing and overseeing the management of the entire business. The Board’s perpetual responsibility is to the shareholders.Read More


At BOSS Passive Fire, we believe that the day-to-day actions we take will ultimately demonstrate our commitment and progress towards sustainable growth.Read More